Thursday, September 3, 2020

Plato Vs. Aristotle :: essays research papers

Plato versus Aristotle      Plato and Aristotle, two thinkers in the fourth century, hold polar sees on governmental issues and reasoning when all is said in done. This reality is astutely outlined by Raphael's "School of Athens" (1510-11; Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican), where Plato is depicted admiring the higher structures; and Aristotle is pointing down on the grounds that he underpins the normal sciences. In a conversation of legislative issues, the point of view of every rationalist turns into a fundamental factor. It isn't unplanned that Plato states in The Republic that Philosopher Rulers who have information on the great ought to be the governors in a city state. His solid enthusiasm for power is shown in The Republic different occasions: for instance, the comparisons of the cavern, the sun, and the line, and his hypothesis of the structures. Since he is so associated with power, his perspectives on governmental issues are increasingly hypothetical instead of real. Aristotle, conflictingly, holds the view that governmental issues is the craft of administering and being controlled thus. In The Politics, he endeavors to plot a method of overseeing that would be perfect for a genuine state. Equalization is a fundamental word in talking about Aristotle since he trusts it is the important component to making a steady government. His less powerful way to deal with legislative issues makes Aristotle more in line with the advanced world, yet he is a long way from present day.      Plato's idea of what legislative issues and government ought to be is a direct consequence of his confidence in the hypothesis of structures. The hypothesis of structures essentially states that there is a higher "form" for everything that exists on the planet. Every material thing is essentially a portrayal of the genuine article which is the structure. As indicated by Plato, a great many people can't see the structures, they just observe their portrayal or their shadows, as in the metaphor of the cavern. Just the individuals who love information and think about on the truth of things will accomplish comprehension of the structures. Savants, who by definition are information sweethearts, are the main creatures who can arrive at genuine information. This idea needs to be made a stride further on the grounds that in The Republic, Plato expresses that logicians ought to be the rulers since they are the main ones who hold the type of the great. Plato is by all accounts saying that it isn't sufficient to know the types of tables or trees, one must know the best structure - type of the great - so as to run the show. The thinking is: in the event that you know the great, at that point you will do the great. Subsequently, rationalist rulers are by a wide margin the most adept to run the show.      In The Republic, Plato works around the possibility of Philosopher Rulers.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The transformation of Chillingworth Essay Example For Students

The change of Chillingworth Essay It is said that the craving for retribution will turn a keeps an eye on heart to fiendish. This is valid in Nathaniel Hawthornes The red Letter when Roger Prynne becomes overcome with retribution for the debasement of his marriage vowels. His mission for retribution grabbed hold of his heart and in the long run handed him over to an evil presence. He no longer could appreciate the distinction among great and insidiousness. He just looked for retribution and did all that he could to get it. He attempted to play God. Simultaneously, he turned into a fallen angel. The change of Roger Prynne begins with the primary gathering with his better half. The first indication of progress is in quite a while name to Chillingworth, which sounds a long way from amicable. He did this since he didn't need others to know what his identity was. This was the first step in quite a while plan for vengeance. When he saw his better half holding the child, he was overcome with outrage. He felt that the best way to discover what man had submitted this adulteress demonstration with his better half. On the off chance that he had shown himself as who he might have been, he was unable to procure the trust of the philanderer. As Chillingworth, in any case, he could be an outsider that could win the trust of all. He bears no letter of shame created into his piece of clothing, as thou dost; however I will peruse it on his heart. Chillingworth realizes that he is the one that will be the one that will be rebuffed in eternity, not Hester. Not thy soul. Actually no, not thine! Chillingworth starts his quest for the person who he wishes to wreck. It rapidly becomes evident that he may definitely realize it is the clergyman Dimmesdale. He starts to draw near to him. He attempts to act like a companion and doctor. He needs Dimmesdale to feel that he can trust in him. Pearl suggests what Chillingworth is turning out to be as she addresses her mom, Hester. Leave away, or there old Black Man will get you! He hath got hold of the clergyman as of now. Pearl understands that Chillingworth is gradually dealing with Dimmesdales mind. He is gradually making the priest frantic. He would have numerous discussions with the minister, consistently about sins. He was being a consistent suggestion to the transgression. Roger regularly implied that he comprehended what Dimmesdale had done. Dimmesdale, who didn't where the red An on his chest, was being consumed by the blame he felt. Apparently it was simpler on Hester in light of the fact that she was in the long run excused by the townsfolk for her wrongdoing. Dimmesdale would never get this pardoning. With Chillingworth as a steady update, Dimmesdale had no other choice than to lose control of his psyche. Chillingworths plan for vengeance was this moderate torment. He destroyed the clergymen soul, causing him to accept he was a definitive miscreant. This arrangement of assault is mental as opposed to physical maltreatment. By backhanded references, he could effectively aim a lot of misery. One such event is a discussion of mens concealed sins. Chillingworth tires to get Dimmesdale to uncover his mystery. He asserts that he should realize what distresses him in the event that he is to give Dimmesdale clinical treatment that will work. Dimmesdale shouts out that he won't uncover his mystery to Chillingworth. A natural physicianI subscribe to the one Physician of the soulBut who workmanship thou, that meddlest in this issue? That challenges push himself between the victim and his God? As the men run fro m the room Chillingworth grins at his prosperity. He has recently demonstrated to himself that he has discovered the correct man. As Chillingworth turns out to be increasingly abhorrent, his physical appearance changes also. He starts as a repulsive looking man. This is because of his savage ensembles from living with the Indians. He rapidly returns to a humanized, scholarly way. In any event, when he is dressed as a humanized man be that as it may, he is as yet not an incredible sight. He was a slender man with a hunch. His eyes were worn and tired. However, in these eyes, there was a force that vouched for his pledge for vengeance. He additionally looked as though he were an elderly person in spite of his age. As the story advances, Hester sees an adjustment in his physical appearance. He had lost his look of a savvy person. It was supplanted with a look of unadulterated malice. His eyes appear to vouch for a blazing soul within. Yet, the previous part of a scholarly and diligent man, quiet and calm, which was she best recalled in him, had out and out evaporated, and afterward prevailing by excited, looking, practically wild, yet deliberately watched look.there came a glare of red light out of his eyes; as though the old keeps an eye on soul were ablaze, continued seething dimly inside his bosom, until by some easygoing puff of energy, it was blown into a passing fire. In a word, old Roger Chillingworth was a striking proof of keeps an eye on staff of changing himself into a demon, in the event that he will just, for a sensible space of time, embrace a fiends office. Chillingworth turns out to be increasingly malicious and his assaults hold a more grounded impact on the pastor. Chillingworth turns out to be to a greater extent an evil spirit with time. Hawthorne alludes to him as a defenseless creaturemore vomited than his casualty. Clearly his life is overwhelmed by this longing for vengeance. When Dimmesdale admits, Chillingworths just explanation behind l iving is finished. Dimmesdale has gotten away from his tormented life through admitting. In doing as such, he has finished the capacity of Chillingworth to control him. Chillingworths sole reason in life was to be underhanded towards Dimmesdale. Since he could no longer do this, his staying scarcely any years were not those of a man. He was only a wilted body that kicked the bucket a fews years after its spirit had. .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 , .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .postImageUrl , .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 , .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7:hover , .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7:visited , .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7:active { border:0!important; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7:active , .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-embellishment: underline; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u7b08783b 6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7b08783b6c3705e93a62d51c4cc77ab7:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Big Data Architecture, Goals and Challenges Essay We will compose a custom article on The change of Chillingworth explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Book reference:

Saturday, August 22, 2020

WEB DuBois Analysis Essay Example For Students

WEB DuBois Analysis Essay WEB Du Bois WEB Du Bois was brought into the world a liberated individual in his little town of Great Barington, Massachusetts, three years after the Civil War. For ages, the Du Bois family had been an acknowledged piece of the network since before his incredible granddad had battled in the American Revolution. Right off the bat, Du Bois was given a familiarity with his African-legacy, through the antiquated tunes his grandma instructed him. This mindfulness set him apart from his New England people group, with a family line covered in puzzle, in sharp difference to the correctly accounted history of the Western world. This distinction would be the establishment for his longing to change the way African-Americans existed together in America. We will compose a custom paper on WEB DuBois Analysis explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now As an understudy, Du Bois was viewed as something of a wonder who exceeded expectations past the capacities of his white companions. He looked for some kind of employment as a reporter for New York papers, and gradually started to understand the restraints of social limits he was relied upon to watch consistently. At the point when bigotry attempted to take his pride and poise, he turned out to be increasingly resolved to ensure society perceived his accomplishments. Plainly, Du Bois demonstrated incredible guarantee, and some powerful individuals from his locale. In spite of the fact that Du Bois longed for going to Harvard, these compelling people organized his instruction at Fisk University in Nashville. His encounters at Fisk completely changed him, and he found his destiny as a pioneer of the dark battle to liberate his kin from abuse. At Fisk, Du Bois got familiar with numerous children and little girls of previous slaves, who felt the agony of abuse and shared his feeling of s ocial and otherworldly convention. In the South, he saw his kin being headed to a status of little distinction from servitude, and saw them threatened at the surveys. He showed school during the summers in the eastern bit of Tennessee, and saw the enduring firsthand. He at that point made plans to commit his life to battling the horrendous racial mistreatment that held the dark individuals down, both monetarily and strategically. Du Boiss assurance was remunerated with a grant to Harvard, where he started the main logical sociological investigations in the United States. He felt that through science, he could scatter the nonsensical partialities and obliviousness that forestalled racial equity. He proceeded to make extraordinary headways in the investigation of race relations, yet mistreatment proceeded with isolation laws, lynching, and fear strategies on the ascent. Du Bois then framed the Niagara Movement, and in 1909, was a crucial part in building up the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He was additionally the manager of the NAACP magazine The Crisis from 1910 to 1934. In this phase of his life, he empowered direct ambushes on the legitimate, political, and monetary framework, which he felt bloomed out of the misuse of poor people and weak dark network. He turned into the most significant dark dissent pioneer of the principal half of the twentieth century. His perspectives conf licted with Booker T. Washington, who felt that the dark individuals of America needed to just acknowledge segregation, and would like to in the long run win regard and correspondence through difficult work and achievement. Du Bois composed The Souls of Black Folk in 1903, scrutinizing Booker, asserting that his thoughts would prompt a propagation of abuse as opposed to liberating the dark individuals from it. Du Bois analysis lead to a fanning out of the dark social equality development, Bookers traditionalist supporters, and an extreme after of his faultfinders. Du Bois had set up the Black Nationalism that was the motivation for all dark strengthening all through the social liberties development, however had started during the dynamic period. In spite of the fact that the development that sprouted from his thoughts may have taken on an increasingly fierce structure, WEB Du Bois felt unequivocally that each person could shape their own predeterminations sincerely and difficult wor k. He motivated expectation by pronouncing that progress would accompany the accomplishment of the little battles for a superior life. Words/Pages : 680/24

Mcdonalds Effectiveness Leadership & Building Teamwork

Question: Give a review on McDonald's and Critical Evaluation Of Organization? Answer: Review Of Organization McDonald's Corporation was propelled in the year 1964 on December 21; McDonalds for the most part works and establishments the business of worldwide eatery (, 2015). McDonald's is the main overall food administration retailer of the world with area in around 36,000 regions serving about 69 million clients in excess of 100 countries consistently. Over 80% of overall cafés of McDonalds are worked and claimed via independent nearby specialists and men. The key goal of McDonald's is to transform the organization into the clients' most loved spot and way to deal with drink and eat by serving, Chicken McNuggets, World Famous Fries, Quarter Pounder and Big Mac (, 2015). Is it true that you are Daunted by the Thought of Due Assignments? Benefit Our Services and Receive Assignment Help from Experts. In UK, the organization utilizes around 97,000 individuals and has a particular establishment model. The organization has around 150 establishment accomplices and over 70pc of establishment cafés in UK. The accomplices for the most part contribute around 1 m to have least of 4 eateries. The plan of action that is being followed in UK isn't just about selling the items for making another business rather they enroll people through their enlistment procedure and request that they consent to a permit arrangement for 20years and on normal contribute around 150,000 (Ruddick, 2014). Basic Evaluation Of Organization Adequacy of initiative The statement expressed by Peter Drucker Management is the way toward doing things right and initiative is the expertise to do the correct things. Great pioneers have an astonishing social knowledge, are progressively eager to change and furthermore over all it licenses them to do the correct things consistently (, 2015). The rich history of McDonalds began by the CEO, Ray Kroc. He is the capable official who keeps on building the association dependent on his heritage and ensure that the Golden Arches continuing sparkling for a long time (, 2015). The organization McDonalds is presumed association known for its consistency. During the residency of James A Skinner, McDonalds had become a discount association that for the most part actualized winning standards. This helped the organization to react effectively to the opposition in the inexpensive food industry and furthermore the expanding center around the good dieting. Moreover, it likewise made different key acquisitions that assisted with expanding the stock cost of the association to get triple. Following 33 years in McDonalds Jim Skinner resigned and James R Cantalupo was employed however he kicked the bucket because of abrupt coronary episode after that Charles Bell promptly took the position yet even he needed to leave the situation because of malignancy conclusion. All the three administrators of the association utilized the Play to win technique during their residency and renewed the association (Cooper, 2012). This shows effective progression arranging of the association had helped the association to stay up with the opposition in the inexpensive food industry. This progression arranging has made the way of life of McDonalds a persistent improvement culture. These plans of McDonalds have truly impacted different business pioneers like Ram Charan, James Noel and Steve Drotter. In their book The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company they have referenced that how an association ought to build up their authority contemplations and how they ought to characterize and sharpen relationship building abilities towards progress (Cooper, 2012). McDonalds is day in and day out business, through which they coordinate the interest of the clients and which thusly assists with boosting the business income of the association. The jobs of the directors in McDonalds have immense criticalness. The accentuation is on the control of assignments, coordination and furthermore division in the association. It is this capacity that the chiefs need to circulate the specialists to the activity holders. This inflexible structure causes McDonalds to subvert the creativity among the representatives and furthermore an association culture towards appointment and strengthening is created which wins to support in the serious condition. A community approach is utilized by McDonalds which urges to interface the overall franchisees under a solitary umbrella of the brand name. The McDonalds the board likewise empowers the act of cooperating and helping each other in the establishments to give the best to every one of their clients with reliable high ca liber and new food mirroring the way of life of the association (Rubin, 2009). As indicated by the STL (Situational Leadership Theory), pioneers should change their direct as per the situational components to address the issues of the supporters. This hypothesis is a piece of possibility hypothesis that principally stressed on the ability of the supporters (Fairholm and Fairholm, 2009). It underlines on two unique practices one is the relationship conduct and another is the undertaking conduct. The relationship conduct is the methods of correspondence that the pioneer utilizes like multi-way, single direction or two-path alongside steady, tuning in and encouraging conduct. This hypothesis expresses that the pioneers need to settle on the various errands they need to oversee, by distinguishing the eagerness of individual and afterward choosing a specific initiative style to control (MWAI, 2011). In McDonalds the assignment conduct of the chiefs underscores on the cooperation and shared way to deal with convey the best to the clients. Empowering collaboration cau ses the directors to revive and build the effectiveness of the group. They additionally help the battling group to convey the target which persuades the colleagues to proceed. This shows their relationship conduct towards the representatives. The current CEO of McDonalds is Steve Easterbrook. He was raised in Watford, UK. His fundamental point is to make McDonalds a quick developing café, with popular cheap food and unique contributions. He is an alluring and energetic pioneer. He is a man-supervisor and extraordinary pioneer. Appealling pioneers are commonly notable for their get-up-and-go towards driving the association towards the achievement (Ojokuku, Odetayo and Sajuyigbe, 2012). He is a lot of energetic about the clients and group individuals from the McDonalds. He drives the association with front counter nature; he is a lot of mindful of what is happening in the eateries, the activities and furthermore make positions dependent on it. Actually it very well may be said that he follows the Peter Druckers quote expressed above, by doing the correct things (O'REILLY, 2015). In the year 2006, in UK, Mr. Easterbrook was elevated to lead the business. While driving, he helped the business income of the cafés with an unmistakable look by patching up the McDonalds menu and working in a well disposed condition. Furthermore he demonstrated his protection nature towards the brand by testing the campaigners who said that the food of McDonalds is unfortunate. He bantered with Eric Schlosser who is the author of Fast Food Nation and an industry pundit. At that point Steve additionally included more advantageous menu alternatives (Kesmodel and Brat, 2015). This shows his situational authority style. They are the pioneers who change their conduct or the main capacity as indicated by the circumstance. This endeavor impacts the devotees. In this style the pioneers change their style basically to address the issues that the association may look during those conditions (McCleskey, 2014). Mr. Easterbrook additionally referenced AKTA, a Chicago-based computerized consultancy that he needs McDonalds to grow its business through customisation, potentially by drive-in-administration, in light of the fact that the interest of the clients is changing and he needs to regard each client as people not numbers. He is concentrating on beginning food customization with quality fixings. Through this he is attempting to pull in more food-cognizant and well-to-do clients (, 2015). This demeanor of Mr. Easterbrook shows that he is a transformational pioneer. By definition, transformational pioneers show how achievement can be accomplished through powerful exercises and attitudes. They generally training admiration and trust. They care for the association by setting a severe vision and include the supporters and the adherents to meet the vision (Mahdinezhad et al., 2013). Procedure Implementation The authority is compelling in McDonalds on the grounds that they have utilized different methodologies to make the organization as one of best pioneers in the market. It utilizes around 400,000 workers. The initiative way of thinking of McDonalds is To get achievement in future, there is a need of authority alongside the executives jobs every single distinctive degree of association. So it is normal from each worker that to mirror the association esteems and furthermore exhibit initiative, from whichever position they are in. The authority advancement projects of McDonalds underlines on 4 zones (, 2015): Driving and dealing with the association in this fast changing and complex world Building up a creative and persistent improvement hierarchical atmosphere Continuing the eventual fate of McDonalds Getting together with others and finishing the work To drive the vision, the group of McDonalds have made measurements and principles that helped the association to be support in the hyper rivalry advertise. The ability the board arrangement of the association gives upper hand over the rivals in the cheap food industry. The way of life of McDonalds follows the nonstop improvement. McDonalds have their own Universities and the workers are sent there to build up their vocation and calling through initiative advancement programs as opposed to sending the representative to offsite colleges. These projects combine directions from the official group of the association with addresses by outside pros. The goal is to give a trademark association between business technique of the association and furthermore authority improvement, somethi

Friday, August 21, 2020

buy custom Assimilation versus Enculturation essay

purchase custom Assimilation versus Enculturation paper There were a few workers who moved to America in the twentieth century. After the 1890 melancholy, the quantity of settlers to the US nearly multiplied. There were outsiders from everywhere throughout the world with unmistakable races, ethnicities and national gatherings; these were Jews, Latin Americans, Europeans, Asians and furthermore African Americans. The foreigners came to America for different reasons including escape from political oppression, strict opportunity, and monetary reasons, among others. Having originated from different pieces of the world, the settlers found an alternate culture in America, altogether different from their own. The workers were then confronted with the hard undertaking of concluding whether to acclimatize socially or to protect their own societies. A greater part of the migrants acclimatized into the American culture, particularly the ladies who intermarried. Absorption for this situation implied the deserting of their societies and embracing anot her prevailing one. Be that as it may, some like the Hispanics kept up the vast majority of their social viewpoints, for the most part in light of the closeness to their unique country. The digestion carried with it numerous impacts including mental modifications. The migrants appeared to have surrendered their beginnings and custom which was viewed as a negative thing. The digestion was likewise observed to have helped a considerable lot of the workers settle well in America; feeling as American as the locals. Enculturation is characterized as the act of knowing ones unique culture (Korzenny 1998). Enculturation can be either for ones own way of life or of the remote or prevailing society. Most settlers these days attempt to show their kids their unique societies while as yet acculturating the American culture. The enculturation has generally served to help the foreigners ages to comprehend where they originated from and furthermore acknowledge different societies. Enculturation ma kes liberality and expansive information. Enculturation has generally been gainful in mental turn of events yet somewhat it has caused mental flimsiness. Presentation of numerous societies from youth leaves a portion of the youngsters feeling befuddled as they can't relate to both of the way of life. A few Americans with remote societies have additionally thought that it was difficult to fit in their unique societies with the American culture and this has brought about them feeling distanced and like untouchables living in America. Some have even gone similarly as disassociating themselves totally with their unique societies. Interestingly, there ought to be a harmony among enculturation and cultural assimilation since the two of them have their favorable circumstances and drawbacks. Purchase custom Assimilation versus Enculturation paper

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Why Book Buying Bans Are a Bad Idea

Why Book Buying Bans Are a Bad Idea This is a guest post from Tiffany Hall. Often to be found curled up on her couch in a blanket, regardless of the weather outside, Tiffany Hall is what you’d call an “indoor person.” She constantly has a novel in her purse, maybe even two, and pulls them out in the middle of class, parks, conversations…Even so, she is a genuinely friendly person who adores sharing her love of reading with her friends and family through extensive and unsolicited book talks. While reading is one of her main obsessions, Tiffany also likes to scream at Sudoku puzzles, make sarcastic remarks, and write short stories that she aspires to get published one day. Tiffany is also ever the dedicated student, always willing to look up new factoids, analyze different arguments, and learn more about the wonderful and crazy world around her. Follow her on Twitter  @gjannacurls. 2017: a year that will live on in history, regardless of how you look at it. Wondrous or disastrous, 2017 has finally drawn to a close and that can only mean one thing: New Year’s resolutions. It is no well-guarded secret that readers often cling to several goals in an attempt to assuage their guilt over the massive amount of books they have either accumulated or haven’t been able to get their hands on. Typically this includes posting reading goals online, organizing the bookshelf that has been reduced to entropy, or forcing oneself to read outside of a much beloved genre. However, the most popular of these that I have found is the dreaded book-buying ban. I don’t particularly care for them, I don’t abide by them, and I don’t recommend them. Here’s why: FOMO New Year’s resolutions never stick, and putting yourself on a prohibition of bookish goodies is no different. How many times have you looked online and read a blog post or an update about someone “breaking” the ban and caving to the pressure of printed pages? While many reasons cause a lapse in adherence, fear of missing out   (FOMO) is probably one of the most significant. According to the Oxford Dictionary, FOMO is defined as “anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on social media.” With websites and blogs constantly pumping out reviews and recommendations, it’s hard not to feel like you are falling behind somehow. While this is a ridiculous notion that unfairly shames a lot of readers, it is a real one that we all struggle with at some point. They Don’t Save You Money With so many novels, poems, essays, scientific volumes, et al. being published year round, it is hard to compile a list and watch them all pass you by. So, you’ll wait. But here is the crux of the issue: whether you buy them today, tomorrow, or next year, you are still spending the same money. Sure, you could theoretically forget a few books on your list, but chances are you will just wait til a later date to empty your wallet. Bans don’t save your hard earned cash at all. In fact, one could argue that you will end up binge buying massive quantities of books to compensate for the time you haven’t been purchasing. Whatever Makes You Happy The main reason I don’t advocate for “The Ban” is that it causes me unnecessary stress. Sure, I have an endless TBR sitting and waiting for me on my shelves, but seeing their glossy spines brings me a lot of joy. If I want a book, I buy it because that’s a financial choice I have made for myself. Some people spend money on fancy cars or nice jewelry; I throw my dollar bills at the cash register in my local bookstore. Books, read or not, bring a light to my life that a few extra coins and pieces of paper in my wallet do not. Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that you have a book-buying problem, and don’t know how else to rein in your library. Bans can’t be all bad if they stem even one book from making it to your shelf, right? I would disagree. Instead, I am going to propose what I like to call “Mindful Book Accumulation” or MBA for short. In fact, it’s one of my resolutions for this year! MBA It may seem that I am a huge proponent of limitless buying of books, and while that sounds immensely appealing, I am not. I just believe an outright ban is no more effective than no ban in the first place. Instead, I think that being a sensible consumer is the best approach. Buy books that make you happy because of the opportunity the prose or poetry proposesâ€"not because the cover calls out to you. Purchase your tomes with a degree of questioningâ€"do you really need it? And grab those titles only after you’re sure that you do. If not sure, hit up your local library! They deserve love too. Whether you put yourself on a ban, or choose to try out MBA, I wish you all the best. I hope you find books this year that inspire you and make you feel like a better youâ€"we all deserve that.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Holden Caulfield, The Sexual Psychopath - Literature Essay Samples

J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is set against the lavender scare and the sexual psychopath laws of the 1950’s. During this time, the United States at large was horrified by the apparent rise in sex crimes in the country. Holden Caulfield, Salingers protagonist, was no doubt heavily influenced by these events; in fact, such events would have been almost unavoidable with the amount of media attention they received at the time. Homegrown anxiety about sexual psychopaths was a major factor that contributed to Holden’s mental breakdown, which ultimately led him to be placed in a rehabilitation center. Beginning in the 1930’s, there were growing concerns among United States citizens about sexual deviants and dangerous perverts infesting New York City. Several tragic murders of young girls were highly publicized in 1937, horrifying parents across the nation. Concerns about public safety continued to grow until over a decade later in 1949, when John Edgar Hoover published his article in The American Magazine titled â€Å"How Safe is your Daughter?† According to Hoover and the slew of articles about sex criminals that followed, American young women were not safe at all. In fact, between 1935 and 1965, the New York Times published hundreds of articles about rising homosexuality and sex crime across the United States. Until 1952, criminal offenses were significantly underreported in New York City. Starting in 1949, New York began to improve its collection system so that, by 1950, more and more sex crimes were properly reported; however, to the residents of New York, it appeared that sex crimes in the state had skyrocketed, thereby fueling the country’s fear of the â€Å"sexual psychopath† (Lave 553). Newspapers and politicians used this new data to their advantage and the ensuing propaganda urged support for the policing of a wide range of sexual non-conformists. In 1950 the Disctrict of Columbia defined a sexual psychopath as an individual with a â€Å"lack of power to control his sexual impulses† (Sutherland 548), or â€Å"anyone who commits several serious sex crimes† (Sutherland 549). These sex crimes include but are not limited to: molestation, statutory rape, forcible rape, homosexuality, distribution or possession of pornography, and prostitution. Anyone thought to be a sexual psychopath would be subject to extensive psychiatric examination, rehabilitation, and imprisonment. The country’s anxiety about sexual psychopaths led the United States into the Lavender Scare in 1950. In April of 1950 Guy George Gabrielson made his famous accusation that homosexual people are â€Å"perhaps as dangerous as the actual communists†. Gabrielson, who was the Republican National Chairman from 1949 to 1952, spoke out against these â€Å"sexual perverts† who he claimed were â€Å"working against their country.† The nationwide panic about sex crimes was quickly spiraling out of control, and in the middle of it was Holden Caulfield. Holden demonstrates a strange fascination with people he deems perverts and flits throughout The Catcher in the Rye. He enjoys watching various sexual encounters from the window of his hotel room and, despite his discomfort with â€Å"flits† and â€Å"perverts,† he repeatedly seeks out people whom he considers sexually ambivalent, first when he meets up with Carl Luce, then when he visits Mr. Antolini in his apartment. Holden spends his first night in New York at the Edmont Hotel, where he sits and looks out the window a while. First, he describes a cross-dressing man, seen through the window of his hotel room, then right above him he briefly describes a couple he sees squirting water at each other: You’d be surprised what was going on on the other side of the hotel. They didn’t even bother to pull their shades down. I saw one guy, a gr ay-haired, very distinguished-looking guy with only his shorts on, do something you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. First he put his suitcase on the bed. Then he took out all these womens clothes, and put them on. Real womens clothes – silk stockings, high heeled shoes, brassiere, and one of those corsets with the straps hanging down and all. Then he put on this very tight black evening dress. I swear to god. Then he started walking up and down the room, taking these very small steps, the way a woman does, and smoking a cigarette and looking at himself in the mirror. He was all alone too (62-63). Holden prefaces this set of observations by explaining that the room was â€Å"very crumby† and that he had nothing else to look at, but was too depressed to care or to do anything other than watch the â€Å"perverts† from the window. Yet as depressed as he is, Holden is clearly captivated by the cross-dressing man in particular. It took time for the man to get all dressed up in women’s clothing, and seeing him strut around the room would have taken much more than a simple glance out the window. Holden is fascinated by the cross-dressing man, and he then admits that he feels that there is something wrong about his sexuality: â€Å"I mean that’s my big trouble. In my mind, im probably the biggest sex maniac you ever saw. Sometimes I can think of very crumby stuff I wouldn’t mind doing if the opportunity came up† (63). He even expresses a sort of envy for the couple he can see squirting liquid on each other. He admits that it may be a fun thing to do, but then corrects himself and says it would be a crumby thing to do to a woman you cared about. Holden is actively repressing his sexual desires because he knows that it is unwise for him to admit to deviating from society’s sexual no rms (Beslagic 19). Holden then declares that everyone in the hotel is a pervert and that he must be the most normal person in the building, thereby completely dismissing any connection he may have felt with these people. Later on, Holden decides to call his student advisor from when he attended Whooton. Carl Luce agrees to meet with Holden at the Wicker Bar. Holden thought he might like to spend some time with luce because he used to enjoy his stories about homosexual people: â€Å"He knew quite a bit about sex, especially perverts and all† (145). Luce used to scare all of Holdens classmates with his stories about men who turned into flits over night. Holden, however, suspected that Luce himself may be homosexual. Its interesting that Holden would seek out Carl Luce’s company at all, considering that he suspected that Luce was homosexual, and considering that Luce made him uncomfortable by goosing him and using the toilet with the door open. When Holden meets up with Luce at the bar, Holden instantly tries to bring the conversation to gay men, but Luce is unamused. Their conversation doesn’t go well. Luce wasn’t interested in talking about perverts or flits, and Holden con tinues to force the conversation in that direction. Luce suggests that Holden receive psychoanalysis, which suggests that Luce believes Holden to be queer, as psychoanalysis was a common method of treatment for homosexuality in the 1950s. As Luce leaves the bar, Holden asks him if he was ever psychoanalyzed. Luce responds that he was merely â€Å"adjusted† and Luce recommends that, if Holden is so interested in it, he should consider going to a psychoanalyst himself. After Carl Luce leaves Holden at the bar, Holden continues drinking and pretends he has been shot. He keeps his hand under his jacket as though he is trying to stop the bleeding from a bullet wound: â€Å"I didn’t want anybody to know I was even wounded. I was concealing the fact that I was a wounded sonuvabitch† (153). This is an obvious symbol for Holden’s insecurities about his sexuality. Holden is trying to conceal his growing concerns that he may not be â€Å"normal† and he is wor ried that he may need to be psychoanalyzed or adjusted, just like Carl Luce had been. Later that night, Holden phones an old family friend and teacher, Mr. Antolini, who tells him he is welcome to come over right away. Holden makes his opinion of Mr. Antolini clear in chapter twenty-four. He compares Mr. Antolinis intelligence and wit to the virtues of his older brother DB, and says that Mr. Antolini was the best teacher he had ever had. Yet when he arrives at the apartment there is an obvious level of discomfort, although Holden never explicitly mentions these feelings. Holden describes Mrs. Antolini’s unkempt appearance and the dirty drink glasses from a party the couple had had; he makes it clear that Mr. Antolini has been drinking heavily. Holden and Mr. Antolini have an uncomfortable conversation. Holden is frustrated with Mr. Antolini’s questions about school and Mr. Antolini predicts Holden’s coming breakdown: This fall I think you’re riding for – it’s a special kind of fall, a horrible kind. The man falling isn’ t permitted to feel or hear himself hit bottom. He just keeps falling and falling. The whole arrangements designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn’t supply them with. So they gave up looking. They gave it up before they ever really even got started (190-191). Mr. Antolini’s prophecy is unsettling for Holden. Mr. Antolini can see that Holden is headed for a terrible breakdown and this statement hits a little too close to home for Holden. Holden is already feeling conflicted about his sexuality and Mr. Antolini’s vague predictions of Holden’s great fall only create more uncertainty. Holden tries to view himself as someone who needs to protect other people, yet Mr. Antolini can see that Holden is the one who needs protecting (Beslagic 22). At this point, Holden is exhausted, confused, and depressed. So Mr Antolini suggests that they make up a bed for Holden on the couch. As theyâ€⠄¢re making the bed, Mr Antolini asks Holden about the girls he’s been dating. Then, Mr. Antolini makes a comment about Holden’s long legs and calls him â€Å"handsome,† a description which Holden makes no comment on. Holden wakes up to Mr. Antolini drunkenly patting his head while he sleeps, something most people would interpret as a harmless, affectionate gesture. Holden hurries out of Mr. Antolini’s home, scared that Mr. Antolini has just made a pass at him. Holden is just as concerned that Mr. Antolini has made a pass at him as he is that Mr. Antolini may have perceived him as homosexual, thereby realizing any homosexual desires Holden may be harboring (Beslagic 24). As he walks around and calms down a little, Holden considers that he may have overreacted and thinks about returning to Mr. Antolini’s home. Yet Holden doesn’t return to Mr. Antolini’s home and several days later he â€Å"gets sick† and is sent to some kind of institution to be psychoanalyzed (216). Holden’s growing concerns about his sexuality, here and elsewhere, were no doubt a contributing factor to his illness. He demonstrated severe anxiety regarding his sexual desires, perhaps most dramatically in his final encounter with Mr. Antolini. Some of those desires manifested themselves that night, leading Holden to finally fully realize his ongoing conflict with his sexuality. Works Cited Beslagic, Deni. It Was Hot as Hell and the Windows Were All Steamy A Queer Reading of The Catcher in the Rye with Didactic Considerations. Thesis. Hogskolan Dalarna: School of Languages and Media Studies, 2013. Lave, Tamara Rice. Only Yesterday:The Rise and Fall of Twentieth Century Sexual Psychopath Laws. Louisiana Law Review 69.3 Salinger, J.D.. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Little, Brown, 1951. Print. Sutherland, Edwin H. The Sexual Psychopath Laws. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1931-1951) 40.5 (1950): 543-54. Web.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Comparison Between Nike And Adidas - 1679 Words

The product I selected to research was sporting Apparel. The companies I chose are Adidas and Nike. The reason I chose these two is because they re both popular brand names around the world. Nike is base in the US and Adidas is base out of Germany. Nike and Adidas carries manufactures basically the same products. These companies offer similar products in comparisons to each other. Both of these brand s are well- know in households. The slogan for Nike is Just Do It is well-known around the world. Nike s slogan is used in printable ads and also in television infomercial Even though both companies carry similar products they attract different consumers. Nike is marketed more towards U.S consumers and Adidas is more base and popular in the European. Nike and Adidas have about the same strategies however with various application techniques. The organizations focuses on a lot on technology as well as they strive towards producing newer and also innovative products. Nike concentrates on American markets buyers and Adidas concentrates on European buyers. Nike doesn t have any production plants, they just design, distribute along with what the market produces and therefore they outsource to several countries within Asia, mainly Taiwan Korea that outsource its production to the China, Indonesia and Vietnam. Adidas on a whole, carries out all its production within Germany. Currently they have captured Nike’s outsourcing policy through outsourcing to AsianShow MoreRelatedWhy Adidas And Nike Is The Best Choice For Me1643 Words   |  7 Pagesspeak about their histories. 1) Why Adidas and Nike? Two reasons lead me to make this choice. First of all, I am really fond of sport. I have been played soccer since ten years and always wear Adidas and Nike so it is two companies I know very well. Then, when I was thinking about which companies I was going to choose, I wanted two multinationals and one American company and one European company. So Adidas and Nike was the best choice for me. Today, Adidas and Nike are the two leaders of the sportsRead MoreMarketing Strategies For Nike And Adidas1317 Words   |  6 Pagesthe sports apparel of Nike and Adidas. According to the research, promotional strategy is a two-way interaction between company and consumer designed primarily to increase sales, often by attracting new customers. On the other hand, advertising strategy is designed to sell a product ( Nevertheless, Nike has become the leader in the industry for advertising and marketing strategies than Adidas. In the sports apparel industry, Adidas could be viewed as one of Nike competitors. PromotionalRead MoreUnderstanding Perceptions Of Products Through The Eyes Of Various Consumers1378 Words   |  6 Pagesand explore the disparities between generations, how their perspectives differ (or not) and why. Brand Personality: â€Å"A brand personality is the set of traits people attribute to a product as if it were a person.† (Solomon, 2013, p. 162). Nike: Exciting, Competent, Sophisticated and Rugged Adidas: Outdated, Conventional and Practical Reebok: Athletic 4. Describe the possible differences in target markets based on your research? Nike: Based on my research, while Nike has extended its brand andRead MoreMission And Vision Of Nike And Adidas1992 Words   |  8 PagesCompanies, Nike and Adidas. In this report, we will be learning what their goals are, mission and vision of Nike and Adidas, how they have implemented these into their company process, how their policy is different. We will also be studying different strategies and different stakeholders they focus on to maintain their respective company’s sustainability. Nike and Adidas both specialize in footwear, apparel and accessories and their competition is intense as Nike is the market leader and Adidas is theRead MoreAdidas vs Nike Marketing Battle2963 Words   |  12 Pagesbrands in the UK: Adidas Vs Nike. Table of contents 1.0 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦p.3 2.0 Market and Literature Review 3.1 Nike Inc†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..p.3 3.2 Business Segments†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.p.3 3.3 Marketing mix: Nike†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..p.3 3.4 Adidas†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦p.3 3.5 Marketing mix: Adidas†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..p.4 3.6 Comparison of marketing campaigns†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read More Nikes Plan for China Essay940 Words   |  4 PagesNikes Plan for China Nike is already a global power house, however the potential to increase sales in China was the topic of the most recent annual investor meeting. One may question Nike’s preoccupation with China. After all, Nike China is dominant. They are currently the number one brand with the number one market share while competitors Reebok and Adidas are in 4th and 5th places respectively. They have tripled revenue in the last two years. With 2000 points of sale, 400 stores in the topRead MoreFinancial Analysis: Nike Vs. Adidas4709 Words   |  19 PagesComparative Financial Analysis Nike Inc. vs. Adidas AG Submitted to: Dr. Ismail Gomaa By: Ghada Mahmoud Saafan 1/1/2010 CONTENTS Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................2 Methodology: ................................................................................................................................................................3 Nike Inc. ...............Read MoreStrategic Competition in the Sneaker Industry4504 Words   |  19 Pagesstrategic initiatives will miss out on opportunities to attain growth and competitive advantage. Nike and Adidas are two primary footwear companies along with their competitors who have adopted an online e-commerce strategy to increase their sales and product awareness. Most importantly, companies like Nike and Adidas have invested heavily into online brand building and image development. Nike launched the web site in August 1996 primarily to provide information to its consumers. In 1996Read MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Nike969 Words   |  4 PagesWeaknesses Nike Latest moves on social media towards its hi-tech innovation of Nike + FuelBand is dangerous and challenging its marketing strategies since the idea of sharing information can be at odds with the individualism of Nike Brand. Nike Brand identity has always been associated with individualism, performance, and empowerment as a way of differentiating themselves from its competitors. However, the company as well cannot ignore its social media’s fans and ends up not embracing their brand’sRead MoreFinancial Analysis: Nike Vs. Adidas4725 Words   |  19 PagesFinancial Analysis Nike Inc. vs. Adidas AG Submitted to: Dr. Ismail Gomaa By: Ghada Mahmoud Saafan 1/1/2010 CONTENTS Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................2 Methodology: ................................................................................................................................................................3 Nike Inc. ............

Monday, May 18, 2020

Malware And Its Effects On Our Computer - 1882 Words

Have you ever been surfing the web when all of a sudden a vibrant window pops up congratulating you for being the nth visitor and the lucky recipient of some amazing prize which you’ll receive just as soon as you enter your email address or download a file? Almost everyone encounters a pop-up like this every now and then. Some of us, including myself, have even followed the instructions only to learn that we’ve helped a malware program run on our computer. Malware, also known as malicious software, has a deep history behind it. By definition, malware is a code or a software that is designed to damage, disrupt, steal, or inflict malice in some form or another on computer data, personal files, hosts, or networks. It poses a major threat to home and business computers worldwide and there aren’t many means to stop it. Malware comes in a variety of forms, and from a variety of sources. Over the last few decades malware has grown more sophisticated and more dangerous. The main types of malware include computer viruses, worms, trojans, and bots. Malware can be separated further into sub-categories such as backdoor trojans, remote access trojans, information stealers, and ransomware. The different forms of malware use different techniques to damage or infect the targeted computer. However, all malware has one thing in common, self-replication. Before we can learn about this self-replication that is key to all malware today, we must learn about the evolution of malware. The evolutionShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Cybercrime1019 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Malware is a malicious software and act a single term to refer to virus, trojan horse, spy ware, worm and spam. It is design to harm to a standalone computer or a network computer. Type Of Malware Virus is a program that replicates by being copied to another program, computer or documents. It can be send toward via e-mail or downloaded file that person receive from the website that he download. Trojan horse is a program that harmful to the computer or data in such a way that it canRead MoreBotnet Essay1045 Words   |  5 Pages The idea of the malicious code or malware, (e.g., infections, worms, bots) moved as of late from upsetting support of effectively looking for financial benefit. Beforehand, worms were arranged essentially to spread. The effect on casualties and associations was essentially an interruption of administration bringing about the loss of efficiency and now and at that a point lost pay. Before long, innumerable imperative worms are proposed to take delicate information, for instance, Mastercard numbersRead MoreDenial Of Services Attack Essay1467 Words   |  6 PagesDenial of Service attack (DoS attack) are attacks making the computer unusable and the programs unavailable as systems flood a user’s bandwidth Historically, a computer system is overloaded with false requests and data, causing the system to go into shock and crash. The multiple attacks from different IP addresses, sometimes thousands, making it hard for the computer to pinpoint the source. Used in large and layered net works, using multi-threaded OSI layered attacks and a pre-scanned reconnaissanceRead MoreHow Antivirus Effects Our Lives Essay examples1177 Words   |  5 Pagesprotect a computer from malware such as virus, Trojan horses, computer worms and other malicious programs. Besides from protecting a computer, the anti-virus offers many solutions to prevent new infections into your computer by scanning emails and files when they are being downloaded. An antivirus program is considered a security strategy. A computer virus is similar to a biological virus; it spreads from one computer to another just as the biological virus spreads from human to human. The computer virusRead MoreThe Breach Of Target Security Breach Incident Response1447 Words   |  6 PagesIn December 2013, the CEO, Gregg Steinhafle, of Target announced that their company was affected by a data breach that occurred between November 27 and December 15, 2013. â€Å"Target disclosed that online thieves hacked into its computer system, stealing credit card or personal information from more than 100 million customers. Both personal data and credit card information may have been stolen from about 12 million people† (Abrams, 2014). The outcome of this breach has cost Gregg Steinhafle his job,Read MoreCyber Security Includes Ensuring The Data Essay1625 Words   |  7 Pagesvolume and modernity of digital security threats–including focusing on phishing tricks, information robbery, and other online vulnerabiliti es–demand that we stay cautious about securing our frameworks and data. The normal unprotected associated with the Internet can be hacked in minutes. A great deal of computers and website pages are being found with viruses each day. New hacking strategies are invented constantly. These are only a couple case of hacking we hear about and they highlight the significanceRead MoreCybercrime And Its Effects On Society1239 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract-This research explores the different forms of cybercrime and its effects on society when compared to several years ago. Moreover, it focuses on the changes that have been made to fight the rise of cybercrimes. With the advances in technology allowing society to stay interconnected online, criminals, both who is not an expert and experienced, have taken advantage of growing opportunities. By taking into consideration the dangers on this issue, it is important to take action and provide solutionsRead MoreContemporary Information Secur ity Systems And Computer Systems1519 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to, almost 15 million Americans have their identity used fraudulently due to information leaks and information insecurities. With the growing dependency on computer systems to store confidential information across the world, it is only necessary that that the information be protected by strong security systems which include both hardware and software so that both the businesses and the consumers feel safe in the transportation of information over the inter-webs. ContemporaryRead MoreComputer Virus And Its Effect On The Computer2535 Words   |  11 Pages1. Introduction Today, the term ‘computer virus’ is definitely not unfamiliar to most people. In the early 1980s, people started to gain awareness of Computer virus or Malware. However, it was only in 1987 that computer virus became prominent; especially to those in the press and trade industry. [1] Computer virus has evolved over the years - from the early days of Internet distributed Morris worm to remote access Trojans(RAT). Often not, a personal computer tends to be vulnerable to a virus attackRead MoreComputer Networks And The Internet1379 Words   |  6 Pagesme? The simple fact of having an unprotected computer network, law enforcement not up to par, and a challenge is all a hacker needs to cash in; sometimes personal, but for the most part, just business as usual. Hackers once admired in the 1960’s are now dangerous and a threat to big box corporations, small businesses, and personal computer users. Data breaches are the most lucrative business for hackers still. An example of data breaching is Computer Memory Racking or also known as memory consumption

Monday, May 11, 2020

Tighter Big Business From Abusing Their Power - 995 Words

America was one of the first few countries that started to industrialize. Throughout the industrial revolution, technology flourish and a new era began. Farms were demolished and farmers moved from the countryside to the urban areas. Factories opened up to recruit more workers. The increased in job opportunities have lured many immigrants to the United States. With the increase in economic growth, the gap between the wealth and the middle class widen and a new class was introduced known as the working class. This was the start of capitalism and in this period of time it was also known as the â€Å"gilded age† that Mark Twain introduced, where the corrupt side of society was covered with a thin sheet of gold. Under, all that wealth and luxury†¦show more content†¦This allowed the economy to bloom. However, it has also created room for corruption. In a scholarly journal, Information, markets, and corruption: Transcontinental railroads in the Gilded Age, White Richard stated that corruption â€Å"consisted of quotidian faults-lying, deception, and dishonesty-played out largely on paper and along telegraph lines† (White). These wrongdoings allowed trustees to use their personal advantages to further corrupt society and as an outcome children and adult workers suffer. At the beginning of the industrial revolution in America, laws that prevented children from working was not established, and this allowed businesses to utilized children as an inexpensive form of labor. By the 1900s there were over one million children working in the labor force. Most of those young workers were from a poor or immigrant family. They were put to work at an early age usually between five to sixteen years old. In the article, â€Å"The History of Child Labor During the American Industrial Revolu tion† by Jennifer Wagner, discusses about how most of these youngsters worked in unsafe conditions in: †¦textile mills, coalmines, flourmills, machine shops, garment factories, tobacco factories, shoe factories, and carpet plants, in order to provide a source of income for their families. In numerous industries children labored around unsafe machinery. Children labored for many hours, but received wages that were much lower than those received by adult laborers for comparable

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Development of the Scholar-Practitioner Article Analysis...

Development of the Scholar-Practitioner: Article Analysis Resubmission by Calanthia Carter Student ID #A00013887 School: Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership Program: Ph.D. in Education Specialization: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Instructor: Joanne Heilman, Ph.D. Walden University Resubmission: January 29, 2012 Article Analysis Jazvac-Martek, M. (2009). Oscillating role identities: The academic experiences of education doctoral students. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 46(3), 253–264. Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Education Research Complete database. Central Research Problem Undertaking the task in doctoral education as a†¦show more content†¦Simultaneously, the author recognizes that the individual has to make his identify valid based on the reaction of others in the sphere of profession. However, the perception of success or failures based on a combination of intrapersonal motivations determines the student’s personal expectations. The theory evolved to align with the author’s intent of the study, which was to determine how doctoral students view their identity and experience as they perform various task in becoming a peer or scholar. The author’s data source involved a single week log of experiences, pre-interview questionnaires, and two interviews to discuss the logs and the questionnaire. (p. 257) The author identified, analyzed, and reported patterns in the collected data from a qualitative software analysis program. Jazvac-Martek discovered that students recounted times when they felt like peers and times when they realized they were still doctoral students or candidates. The author also found that regardless of the experience (i.e. facilitating studies, writing papers or proposals or interviews for a faculty position) the students gained a sense of power and a sense of progress. (p.259) Strengths and Weaknesses The research by Jazvac-Martek is commendable and offers a much needed discussion on the expectations and motivations of doctoral students. However, I would have preferred a larger and more diverse group of participants. TheShow MoreRelatedAma: Marketing and Definition5314 Words   |  22 Pages the authors examine the AMA’s revision of its definition—the new 2007 definition of marketing. The article first describes the concerns about the 2004 offering and then traces the process taken by the AMA to consider these issues and revise the definition. The authors conclude that the new definition addresses many of the major issues with the 2004 definition that had been identified by scholars contributing to the special section. They highlight several positive qualities of the new definition

Brief Narrative Essay Free Essays

Do you remember how our parents often tell us that age old adage of â€Å"Don’t judge a book by its cover† ? Have you ever noticed how, although we know that we are not supposed to do that, we still do it anyway? I have the guts to admit that I am guilty of judging my fellowman at least once. In fact, when I was in grade school, I had misjudged one of my classmates simply because of the way she looked and her station in life because I listened to and believed in the rumors that our classmates had spread about her. This girl was known to have been raised by two spinster aunts since her birth so her ways and mannerisms in public was not that of people her age. We will write a custom essay sample on Brief Narrative Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In fact, if we did not have her for a classmate, we could have sworn that she was home schooled. She possessed an aloof attitude, sometimes seemingly eccentric and weird in her ways as well. She never hung around after classes and always seemed in a hurry to go home. She simply had no time to socialize and was irritated when forced to stay late at school. So we all determined that she was either abnormal or just plain weird. She was a quiet person who usually kept to herself and could often be found in the library reading up on the days lessons or just reading the available newspapers and magazines. We laughed at her often because even though she was a voracious reader, she was terrible in the Math and Science area of lessons. We had known her since pre-school and knew that she had started failing those subjects when we were in grade 3. She was the butt of all the in-jokes and we gave her no respect at all when we spoke to her. We considered her the class clown and mascot because no matter what we seemed to do to her, she could simply ignore. We considered her a challenge whom we had to break down and make cry. Then one day in English class, we were assigned to pair up and do some role playing activity. A unanimous groan went through the classroom when the girls name was announced. All of us were dreading the possibility of being stuck with her for a partner. We were convinced that it would only mean a disaster for whoever was paired with her. We had 2 weeks to work together and come up with a properly enacted and costumed scene from one of Shakespeare’s plays. I dreaded having to work with her because the class made such a big deal out it by ribbing me in public about how I did not have a prayer of getting a passing grade in the project because of my partner. She made one request of me during our partner meeting in class. Could we do the rehearsals at her house instead? She had to stay home whenever possible she explained, because her elderly aunts needed help around the house and she was worried that something might happen if she left them alone. I found this of interest, an open invitation to come over to her house and see where she lived and how she lived would be my chance to understand what made her the way she was and also confirm or deny any of the rumors floating about in school regarding her and her home life. On my first day of practice with her, I met her very accommodating aunts who thought of me as their nieces friend from school. They were glad that she finally brought a friend over to the house because she was a lonely young woman who just spent her days reading and fussing over them. I did not have the heart to tell them I was no friend of hers. But as the days of our rehearsals progressed, I got to know her and her family better and I realized how wrong we were to have judged her just because we did not understand why she was different. If only we took the time to actually talk to her instead of tease her, we would have understood that she was really a very caring and loving person who recognized her responsibilities in life and made extra efforts to insure that she could do what was expected of her properly. Due the school activity, I came to realize that she was a special girl. She was the kind of person whom one took the time to get to know and nurture as a friend. I decided that I would continue to befriend her regardless of what the rest of the school thought of her. Guess what, now that I am in high school, most of my grade school friends have disappeared. But this girl has remained a true and steadfast friend to me all this time. And I have helped her come out of her shell and become more sociable. True, the bad rep that was spread about her is still mentioned from time to time. But at least, I helped her get to know some other people who could really be a true friend to her. Just like I am. Truly, â€Å"one cannot judge a book by its cover† and first impressions could be wrong. Just look at how wrong I was in this situation. How to cite Brief Narrative Essay, Essays

Mobile Application to Conduct Business

Question: Discuss about the Mobile Application to Conduct Business. Answer: Introduction Currently World without technologies is hard to imagine and the use of application is growing fast. Business now a days are running on mobile application. It is hard to conduct huge businesses by mobile application. There are many benefits regarding the use of mobile application in running of business. Mobile application is used for small businesses. Large businesses is difficult to manage by mobile applications example Wal-Mart and Bank of America but for small firms or business it is easy to have the detail on mobile such as beauty spa and coffee shop because small business can be operated easily using mobile application(Haselmayr,2014). Mobile application overview Mobile application is set of programs which run on mobile devices (Salz Moranz, 2013, 14). It is fastest growing in global communication now a days mobile applications are used in business. Use of applications benefit businesses and provide promotion. Currently there are so many businesses which run on using applications (Islam,72). When analysis done nearly 40,402 application were created for business including restaurants such as golf courses, hotels (Gazdecki, 2016). Demand for mobile application is growing but still there are so many organizations which do not find the urgent use mobile application in their business. Many entrepreneurs are unawareness about the benefit of mobile application. Advantage of using mobile application for business There are so many advantage of using mobile application in business few are listed below It provides more value to customer- having mobile application will provide more interaction with customer and products. The user can conduct whole business on their fingertip even the customer can have benefit from the application. Strong brand- on mobile application an entrepreneur would make very strong brand Connect better with customers as well as connect instant- having business on mobile will make the user connect to customer very easy and fast. Instant interaction can be done Give information of new products and offers- The detail information about products is very easily available on mobile if the user has the application. Create awareness about the product to customer- whole detail is provided about the product on the application which is easy to excess. Customers get information by message, email and detail of the product. Business on mobile application provide awareness to customers. It is beneficial for both customers and for the entrepreneurs ( Velji, 2016). Conclusion Mobile application has maximum growth in business but still there are many businesses and companies which are unaware about the use of mobile application. Having application would eventually make business run very smoothly. Mobile application provide proper conduction of business and the growth of business will take place but it is only for the small business large one cannot be conducted on mobile. Use of having mobile application for business is that proper detail about the product and the location the business can be given. The customer having problem can directly connect to owner of the business. There is maximum use of mobile applications in B to B market. Reference Islam, Md. Mazumder, T. International journal of engineering technology IJET-IJENS. Mobile application and its global impact. 10 ( 06). Marsh, C. (June 2015). Research 2015 Enterprise mobile application report, Retrieved on 16 December 2016 Form Velji,J. ( 2016). Mobile App. 4 ways your business can benefit from having a mobile app. Retrieved on 16 December 2016. From Gazdecki, A.(2016). 2016 is the year small businesses must develop mobile app. Retrieved on 20 December 2016. From Salz, A.P Moranz, J(2013) The everything guide to mobile apps. Business Economics. 14. Haselmayr, M.(2014) here why your business needs its own mobile app.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Paediatric Physical Therapy Community Training Programme

Question: Describe about the Paediatric Physical Therapy for Community Training Programme? Answer: Implementation of Community Training Programme: The children with cerebral palsy have certain movement disorders and muscle weakness that appear in their early childhood and become permanent. The symptoms include stiff muscles, poor coordination, weak muscles and tremors. Some special fitness programmes are there specially designed for the children with cerebral palsy. To implement such a fitness programme in the community will be helpful for the physical development for the children with cerebral palsy. For implementing such programme: Firstly, the significance of such programmes should be understood by the people of community (Case-Smith OBrien, 2013). The parents of the children with cerebral palsy must be involved in such programme and it is important to make them understand the significance of these activities and how these can improve the health of their children. The parents should be trained properly about how to take care of the physical health of their children at home. A paediatric physical therapist is to be assigned to check the physical health of the children such as, their muscle strength, ability to walk, co-ordination etc. A trainer must be assigned to guide the children with the appropriate physical exercise. Arranging and setting the necessary equipments for the training of the children. The children are checked for the improvement of their physical health after a certain interval. For setting such programme, fund should be raised. It can be done with the help of the people of the community or with the sponsorship of any organization (Verschuren et al., 2011). Challenges of Conducting a Community Training Programme: There are some challenges that are faced while conducting such training programme in a community for the children having cerebral palsy. The most common challenge of conducting any kind of training programme is to raise the fund or arranging the sponsorship. Sometimes it may be difficult to convince the people of the society and the parents of the disabled children for co-operation. Sometimes parents feel awkward to take their children to the society because of their disability (Campbell, Palisano Vander Linden, 2006). In many cases parents who have children with cerebral palsy stated that, their children refused to join as they are not comfortable to come for such training as they consider themselves inferior and that is why they feel shy to participate in the training programme. So, there is also a difficulty to make the children participate in such programme (Wiert et al., 2010). Problems that Can Occur While Conducting Such Programme: Such problem can be avoided by convincing the community people to donate for this purpose. The problem of participation of children can be managed by the individual mental counselling of them and making them realize the importance of this training in their physical health and they can also be encouraged by involving certain fun activities in the training programme (Gordon et al., 2011) . The parents of the children must be co-operative. It is important for them to understand the physical improvement that can happen to their children and they must be aware of the positive impact of this improvement on the future life of the children (Verschuren et al., 2011). Outcomes of Such Training: As evidenced in many researches, there should be a positive change in the physical health of the children. The activities that are included in the training are specially designed to enhance the physical abilities of the children with cerebral palsy. The primary goals of these physical activities are to improve the physical functioning, impaired mobility, co-ordination and muscle strength of the children (Campbell, Palisano Vander Linden, 2006). These activities not only bring about a change in the physical health but an improvement in mental health also occurs. The disabled children are more likely to restrict themselves to participate in the society. These training programmes allow the children to be more participative that is they become socialized and make friends. By involving some sports or dance in the training, the physical ability as well as creativity of the children can be encouraged (Reid et al., 2010). Monitoring the Outcomes: The purpose of monitoring the outcomes is to determine the effectiveness of the intervention for meeting the desired goals. The physical therapist along with the trainer and the adolescents family can determine the effectiveness of the training. The methods of the strength measurement are: Maximal and sub-maximal aerobic test: This process involves a six minute walk or ride and a modified shuttle run or ride test (Hubur et al., 2010). Anaerobic and power test: In this method a 105 metre sprint test is done and then another two muscle power sprint test: 615 meter, 315 meter are done. Strength tests: The process for determining strength involves hand held dynamometry, lower limb muscle strength test and 6-15 repetition maximum testing (Campbell, Palisano Vander Linden, 2006). Guidelines to Train Young Athletes: Guidelines for the training of young athletes are classified according to their age and the activities are designed according to that. 7 years or younger: Basic and light exercise with no or a little weight along with a concept of the training session is introduced. The children are taught with the proper techniques of exercise. In this age the training volume is low. 8 to 10 years: Increment in the number of exercises and the volume of training is done. Gradual progression of the loading of exercise is occurred and exercise is practices in all lifts. The tolerance to the stress is monitored carefully. 11 to 13 years: Progressive loading of exercise is continued and more advanced techniques are involved into the curriculum. The techniques of different are emphasized. 14 to 15 years: More advanced exercises are designed for the athletes, techniques become tougher and the training volume is increased. 16 years or above: The athletes are introduced to the adult programmes and are moved to the entry level adult programmes (Armstrong Barker, 2010). The training also includes several programmes to develop certain skills of the athletes which are: Energy training is given to the athletes to develop good aerobic base. It involves exercise with low intensity and long duration. Resistant training is for the development of physical strength of the athletes. Activities to fasten the movement of muscles and to increase the flexibility. Training is given to the athletes to make them understand the nutritional and caloric requirements and to make their diet chart according to that (Faigenbaum Myer, 2010). Training, Supervision and Injury Prevention of Young Athletes: A proper supervision of the coach is necessary to train the young athletes in a correct way. Supervision of the coach guides the athletes to perform the exercise in a right manner depending on the physical condition of them. It is very important to train the athletes in the correct way otherwise it can affect the health of them. So, supervising the young athletes and directing them to the right way is a major duty of the coach to build their future ( Mufulli et al., 2010). Occurrence of injury is very common for athletes. There are some common ways to prevent or minimize the injuries. It is mandatory to use proper equipments for the protection of participants. Participants should appear in the ground in proper dress code along with appropriate footwear. Protective headgear is necessary for some sports like baseball, cricket, hockey etc. to minimize the injuries of head and neck. Eye protector is required to avoid eye injuries in racquet sports and it should not interfere with the vision of the athlete (Armstrong Barker, 2010). Mouth guard is essential for boxers and hockey players and it has effectively reduced oral injuries. Facial protection is also needed in some sports especially in boxing and wrestling. These protections should not interfere with speech and breath. A proper supervision during the training can minimize the chance of any injury. In this case, the role of a physical therapist is to monitor that, whether the above stated instructions are being followed or not. He or she should make the trainee athletes realise the importance of following the guidelines and the safety measures to avoid any major injury. The physical therapist should also make the athletes aware of the consequences of not following the guidelines on their physical health (Jayanthi et al., 2012) Recommendation for Blairs Parents: At the time of birth, Blair had a brachial plexus injury due to some problems at the time of delivery. Initially she faced much problem due to this but improved gradually. At the age of 2 years, Blair faces some mild sensory loss along with some residual impairment. A decrease in the activity of shoulder and elbow ROM has also been noticed. Due to these residual impairments she faces some restriction while doing certain activities (Murphy et al., 2012). Her parents must be involved in the procedure of her treatment. There are certain activities that they can do at home to help her to overcome the weaknesses. First of all her parents should be provided with the home programme sheets and are suggested to follow that. The exercises that are mentioned in the home programme guidelines should be performed in a regular basis. Provide a tactile stimulation using a vibrator or a massage to the upper extremity in order to increase the sensation of shoulder and arms. Providing a joint compression to the joints of arm and soldier in order to facilitate muscle co-ordination. Insist her to use the upper extremity in various activities she likes to do. Resistive exercise using a very light weight. Providing electrical stimulation by a trained therapist (Mehlman et al., 2011). As she has a tendency of soldier stiffening, a hot compress can be given to her soldier for 10 to 15 minutes followed by a massage. It should be noticed that she is not lying on her back or in an inverted position. She must avoid side-lying. She should not get picked up under armpit and her arm should not be lifted in the elbow flexion on the top of her chest. She should not be allowed to dangle her arm in space (Campbell, Palisano Vander Linden, 2006). For the protection of hand and deficits in the sensory nerves a hand splint can be applied. It will also maintain her hand in the proper position. Dynamic splints can be used for her elbow. Monitoring the improvement of physical strength of Blair regularly. Taking her to a doctor on a regular basis for health check up and for checking the strength of her muscle, improvement in co-ordination, impairments and sensory properties (Pham et al., 2011). Daily Activities for Blair: There are some activities of daily life that should be encouraged by Blairs parents and Blair should try to perform regularly in order to improve her residual impairments. These activities are: Brushing teeth and combing hair to improve the movement of elbow. Climb on stair holding the railing with the support of her hand which will make the muscles of her arm and soldier work (Vaz et al., 2010). She should be encouraged to draw on paper using crayons to increase the activity of her arm. Her parents should play some game with her where the upper extremity is involved mostly (Campbell, Palisano Vander Linden, 2006). References: Armstrong, N., Barker, A. R. (2010). Endurance training and elite young athletes. Campbell, S., Palisano, R., Vander Linden, D. (2006).Physical therapy for children. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. Case-Smith, J., O'Brien, J. C. (2013).Occupational therapy for children. Elsevier Health Sciences. Faigenbaum, A. D., Myer, G. D. (2010). Resistance training among young athletes: safety, efficacy and injury prevention effects.British journal of sports medicine,44(1), 56-63. Gordon, A. M., Hung, Y. C., Brandao, M., Ferre, C. L., Kuo, H. C., Friel, K., ... Charles, J. R. (2011). Bimanual Training and Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy A Randomized Trial.Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair,25(8), 692-702. Hale, H. B., Bae, D. S., Waters, P. M. (2010). Current concepts in the management of brachial plexus birth palsy.The Journal of hand surgery,35(2), 322-331. Huber, M., Rabin, B., Docan, C., Burdea, G. C., AbdelBaky, M., Golomb, M. R. (2010). Feasibility of modified remotely monitored in-home gaming technology for improving hand function in adolescents with cerebral palsy.Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Transactions on,14(2), 526-534. Jayanthi, N., Pinkham, C., Dugas, L., Patrick, B., LaBella, C. (2012). Sports specialization in young athletes evidence-based recommendations.Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 1941738112464626. Maffulli, N., Longo, U. G., Spiezia, F., Denaro, V. (2010). Aetiology and prevention of injuries in elite young athletes. Mehlman, C. T., DeVoe, W. B., Lippert, W. C., Michaud, L. J., Allgier, A. J., Foad, S. L. (2011). Arthroscopically assisted Sever-L'Episcopo procedure improves clinical and radiographic outcomes in neonatal brachial plexus palsy patients.Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics,31(3), 341-351. Murphy, K. M., Rasmussen, L., Hervey-Jumper, S. L., Justice, D., Nelson, V. S., Yang, L. J. S. (2012). An assessment of the compliance and utility of a home exercise DVD for caregivers of children and adolescents with brachial plexus palsy: a pilot study.PMR,4(3), 190-197. Pham, C. B., Kratz, J. R., Jelin, A. C., Gelfand, A. A. (2011). Child Neurology: Brachial plexus birth injury What every neurologist needs to know.Neurology,77(7), 695-697. Reid, S., Hamer, P., Alderson, J., Lloyd, D. (2010). Neuromuscular adaptations to eccentric strength training in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.Developmental Medicine Child Neurology,52(4), 358-363. Vaz, D. V., Mancini, M. C., do Amaral, M. F., de Brito Brando, M., de Frana Drummond, A., da Fonseca, S. T. (2010). Clinical changes during an intervention based on constraintà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ induced movement therapy principles on use of the affected arm of a child with obstetric brachial plexus injury: a case report.Occupational therapy international,17(4), 159-167. Verschuren, O., Ada, L., Maltais, D. B., Gorter, J. W., Scianni, A., Ketelaar, M. (2011). Muscle strengthening in children and adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy: considerations for future resistance training protocols.Physical Therapy,91(7), 1130-1139. Wiart, L., Ray, L., Darrah, J., Magill-Evans, J. (2010). Parents' perspectives on occupational therapy and physical therapy goals for children with cerebral palsy.Disability and rehabilitation,32(3), 248-258.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Tennessee Vs. John Scopes Essays - Scopes Trial, John T. Scopes

Tennessee Vs. John Scopes: Tennessee vs. John Scopes: The monkey trial It was the year 1925 and in the town of Dayton, Tennessee a trial that would decide whether evolution could or could not be taught in schools was taking place. This trial was Tennessee vs. John Scopes and is commonly known as the monkey trial. This trial took place from July 10, 1925-July 25, 1925 (Douglas, On-line). Tennessee passed an act prohibiting the teaching of the Evolution Theory in all the Universities and public schools of Tennessee on March 13, 1925. The act went as follows: Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That it shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the Universities, Normals and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals. Section 2. Be it further enacted, That any teacher found guilty of the violation of this Act, Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than One Hundred Dollars nor more than Five Hundred Dollars for each offense. Section 3. Be it further enacted, that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. (Butler, On-line) Many people read Inherit the Wind and think they know the story behind the monkey trial when all they really know about is a fictional trial that resembles the monkey trial. It all started when The American Civil Liberties Union advertised in newspapers to locate a teacher in Tennessee who would be willing to test the Butler Act in the courts. Of course, the ACLU would pay all expenses. Dayton resident, George Rappleyea, saw an ACLU advertisement in a Chattanooga newspaper and persuaded his friend John Scopes to accept the offer. The only catch was that Scopes was not a science teacher and had never actually taught evolution. Scopes was a math teacher and football coach who had filled in for the sick biology teacher for two weeks at the end of the school year. With Scopes' permission, Rappleyea immediately notified the ACLU that Professor J.T. Scopes, teacher of science Rhea County High School, will be arrested and charged with teaching evolution (Menton, On-line). The Scopes trial began on July 10th, 1925 and lasted eight days. The trial became a major media event covered by over 200 newsmen. It was the first trial to be covered by a national radio broadcast, and the first to receive international coverage. Sixty telegraph operators sent daily reports over the newly laid transatlantic cable. Dayton became a spectacle as spectators, soap box orators, and vendors converged on the little town from all over America. Much of this attention resulted from the fact that two of America's most famous lawyers faced off on a deeply divisive religious and philosophical issue. How did humans come into being, and what control should parents have over how this subject is handled in our public schools (Menton, On-line). The chief lawyer for the prosecution was William Jennings Bryan, a popular speaker who is widely regarded as one of America's greatest orators. Bryan was a leader in the Democratic Party for nearly 30 years, and served as Secretary of State under Woodrow Wilson. Bryan was a conservative Christian who developed a strong interest in the creation-evolution controversy. He clearly favored creation, but was inquisitive enough about evolution to have read Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Bryan was knowledgeable enough of the scientific evidence to carry on a correspondence-debate with distinguished evolutionists of his day such as Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn. Bryan publicly declared that he did not oppose the teaching of evolution in the public schools as long as it was dealt with as a theory rather than a fact (Menton, On-line). The chief lawyer for the defense, Clarence Darrow, was a well-known criminal lawyer who specialized in defending unpopular people and causes. Darrow was an outspoken ungodly man who was eager to discredit Biblical Christianity and promote evolutionism. Darrow made

Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Double Negative Is Not Always UnOK

A Double Negative Is Not Always UnOK A Double Negative Is Not Always UnOK A Double Negative Is Not Always UnOK By Maeve Maddox The grammatical rule against double negatives applies to sentences that combine not with no or with other negatives such as hardly, nobody, nothing, never, and nowhere: I can’t hardly see through these glasses. He didn’t meet nobody on the mountain. They never lied about nothing. On the other hand, double negatives formed with not followed by a word that begins with a negative prefix like un- or ir- are permissible in formal English. This type of double negative is a stylistic device of understatement, a type of litotes: a figure of speech in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary. Its use can convey a subtle difference in meaning that saying the same thing without not wouldn’t. Some speakers who object to the â€Å"not un-† construction seem to believe that there’s a rule against it. This belief is bolstered by the often quoted example made up by George Orwell: The not unblack dog chased the not unbrown cow across the not ungreen field. Orwell’s sentence is amusing, but simplistic. No English speaker is going to try to plant an un- on adjectives like black and green. Many English speakers, however, will use the â€Å"not un-† construction to achieve a nuanced meaning with adjectives like justifiable, intelligent, and convinced. The following statements are not identical in meaning: I am convinced by his argument. I am not unconvinced by his argument. A note at the online Oxford Dictionaries site points out the difference: The use of  not  together with unconvinced suggests that the speaker has a few mental reservations about the argument. Writing in 1926, H. W. Fowler (Modern English Usage) regarded the â€Å"not un-† usage as â€Å"a faded or jaded elegance.† He condemns the unnecessary use of the construction, but recognizes that this form of litotes is â€Å"congenial to the English temperament† and that there are contexts in which its use is suitable. He concludes, â€Å"The right principle is to acknowledge that the idiom is allowable, and then to avoid it except when it is more than allowable.† The construction is often used unnecessarily, but sometimes it expresses a thought in a way that the positive form would not. The following examples are probably â€Å"allowable† uses: Arthur Ransome’s book is a  not unsuccessful  attempt to provide an introduction to the criticism of types of fiction.   - The reviewer does not like the book, but acknowledges that some readers may learn something from it. Sabina Franklyn is a sweet, pretty Jane,  not unintelligent but  less of a presence than her lively sister. - The character Jane is not a stupid person, but her intelligence is not a key feature of her personality the way it is for her sister. A  musty but not unpleasant  odor came from inside, together with a blast of pent-up heat. - The odor cannot be described as pleasant, but it is not repugnant either. However, the â€Å"not un† construction is frequently used without justification, as in the following examples: Surprises will come to be outnumbered by cringes, as the not unappealing Patton finds herself sold short by a director. - In the context of the review, there’s nothing to suggest that Patton is anything but appealing. While not unentertaining, there is very little of this film that is astounding.   - In the context of the article, the reviewer seems to feel that the film is entertaining. Some reviewers, perhaps not quite understanding the device, go all to pieces in their attempts to make use of it: Jessica Biel is  not unconvincing  as a love interest,  but  shes  not  entirely convincing.   But theres something uniquely dis-appealing about Don Jon. Not unappealing, not immediately repulsive. More like simply not-appealing. The â€Å"not un-† construction has a long history in English and remains a valid stylistic choice for writers who understand how and when to use it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Select vs. SelectedHow Do You Fare?